Speaking At UGM’s Hope Place

hope-place-seattleDecember 16th, The Adi Project went to  the Hope Place Women’s shelter in South Seattle to personally give out the Redemption of Adi book, and to speak to the women there.  I was able to speak to approximately 50 women, and share the that their past does not define them, that society does not define them, but that their value is found in Christ.  After I talked with them, I was able to hand out The Redemption of Adi to each of the ladies in attendance.  We were very excited and grateful to have this opportunity to give value to these women.  We look forward to coming back in the future.

The New Trail Youth

Mark your calendars!  January 10th the Trail Youth will officially begin serving coffee and donuts on the Snoqualmie Trail near the North Bend Library!  For the past few weeks, we’ve been talking to the kids on the trail and have also had the privilege of handing out warm coats and gloves for the winter.  They have been very receptive to us hanging out with them and are very excited for the coffee to start!

If you would like to volunteer, go to http://www.thetrailyouth.com or click on this link, proceed to the volunteer page and sign up.  We will get back with you in a few weeks!


In a world filled with chaos and confusion, there is a group of people hidden in the shadows of our everyday lives.  They are seen with the eyes but not with the heart.  What are their stories and how do we help them?  Join with Kristen as her life becomes intertwined with those who are hidden.


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